Attorney at Law​
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Representative Cases
Examples of Cases Mr. Lipstein has Taken to Trial:
Construction Delay Suit
A subcontractor who had been accused of delaying a large school project retained Mr. Lipstein. The general contractor refused to pay what it owed and sued Mr. Lipstein's client for a substantial dollar amount. Mr. Lipstein persuaded the court that the delays had been caused by the general contractor and not the client. The client was awarded the balance of the contract price which the general contractor had refused to pay.
Unpaid Overtime
Mr. Lipstein has represented many workers who were denied overtime by their employers for a variety of illegal reasons. Some of these cases have been settled, and some have had court trials where clients were awarded their overtime plus their attorney fees.
Property Ownership Dispute
Mr. Lipstein's clients operated a small business at a leased location and wished to purchase real estate from the owners. The owners were willing to sell, but only at a very high price. Mr. Lipstein obtained a court order that his clients could purchase the property at a price that was very favorable to them. The effort saved hundreds of thousands.
Severance Pay
Mr. Lipstein represented a hospital executive who was fired without receiving the severance pay provided by his contract. Mr. Lipstein won the full amount of his severance pay in private arbitration. The hospital paid quickly.